Push folding in a tournament often troubles players. There’s a difference in opinions on when is the correct time to get all your chips in whilst playing a MTT. There are charts such as the one below that explains the hands and at which point the chips should go in.

Push/Fold Tournament Charts

10 Big Blinds Left
Players With Antes Without Antes
8 33+ A8s+ A5s AJo+ K9s+ KQo QTs+ JTs T9s 99+ ATs+ A5s AJo+ KTs+ QTs+
7 22+ A8s+ A5s ATo+ K9s+ KQo Q9s+ J9s+ T9s 88+ A9s+ A5s AJo+ KTs+ KQo QTs+ JTs
6 22+ A8s+ A5s-A4s ATo+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 44+ A9s+ A5s AJo+ K9s+ KQo QTs+ JTs
5 22+ A2s+ A9o+ K8s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 22+ A8s+ A5s ATo+ K9s+ KQo Q9s+ J9s+ T9s
4 22+ A2s+ A5o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s 22+ A7s+ A5s-A3s ATo+ K8s+ KJo+ Q8s+ QJo J8s+ T8s+ 98s
3 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 87s 76s 22+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K7s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s
2 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K8o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ T9o 96s+ 86s+ 75s+ 65s 22+ Ax+ K5s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s 76s
sb 22+ Qx+ J2s+ J6o+ T2s+ T7o+ 94s+ 97o+ 84s+ 86o+ 74s+ 76o 63s+ 53s+ 43s 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q8o+ J3s+ J8o+ T4s+ T8o+ 95s+ 97o+ 85s+ 87o 74s+ 76o 64s+ 53s+

The chart above shows the hands you should shove all in with when you have 10 big blinds left with and without antes and with the amount of players left to act you should do it with.


8 Big Blinds Left
Players With Antes Without Antes
8 22+ A8s+ A5s-A4s ATo+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ J9s+ T9s 55+ A9s+ A5s AJo+ KTs+ KQo QTs+ JTs
7 22+ A3s+ A9o+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 98s 33+ A8s+ A5s-A4s AJo+ K9s+ KQo QTs+ JTs
6 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K9s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J8s+ T8s+ 98s 22+ A8s+ A5s ATo+ K9s+ KQo Q9s+ J9s+ T9s
5 22+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K7s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QJo J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s 22+ A7s+ A5s-A3s ATo+ K8s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 98s
4 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K8s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s
3 22+ Ax+ K3s+ K9o+ Q6s+ QTo+ J7s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 86s+ 76s 65s 22+ Ax+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s
2 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K4o+ Q4s+ Q9o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ T9o 96s+ 86s+ 76s 65s 22+ Ax+ K4s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 86s+ 76s 65s
sb 22+ Jx+ T2s+ T4o+ 92s+ 96o+ 83s+ 86o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 53s+ 43s 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q5o+ J2s+ J7o+ T4s+ T8o+ 95s+ 97o+ 85s+ 87o 74s+ 76o 64s+ 53s+



6 Big Blinds Left
Players With Antes Without Antes
8 22+ A3s+ A9o+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 98s 22+ A9s+ A5s ATo+ K9s+ KQo QTs+ JTs T9s
7 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K8s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T8s+ 98s 22+ A8s+ A5s-A4s ATo+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ J9s+ T9s
6 22+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J8s+ T8s+ 98s 87s 22+ A3s+ A9o+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 98s
5 22+ A2s+ A3o+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K8s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T8s+ 98s
4 22+ Ax+ K5s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s 76s 22+ A2s+ A4o+ K8s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s
3 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K7o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 87s 76s 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s
2 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q8o+ J6s+ J8o+ T7s+ T9o 97s+ 86s+ 76s 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K7o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 86s+ 76s 65s
sb 22+ Tx+ 92s+ 94o+ 82s+ 85o+ 73s+ 75o+ 62s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 43s 22+ Qx+ J2s+ J4o+ T2s+ T6o+ 93s+ 96o+ 84s+ 86o+ 74s+ 76o 63s+ 53s+ 43s



5 Big Blinds Left
Players With Antes Without Antes
8 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K9s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 22+ A7s+ A5s-A4s ATo+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ J9s+ T9s
7 22+ A2s+ A7o+ K6s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J9s+ T8s+ 98s 22+ A3s+ ATo+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ J9s+ T9s
6 22+ A2s+ A5o+ K6s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J9s+ T9s 98s 22+ A2s+ A9o+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s
5 22+ A2s+ A3o+ K5s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 22+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K8s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T8s+ 98s
4 22+ Ax+ K4s+ K9o+ Q7s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 22+ A2s+ A3o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J9s+ T8s+ 98s
3 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K6o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J7s+ J9o+ T8s+ 98s 87s 22+ Ax+ K4s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s
2 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q6o+ J5s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 97s+ 86s+ 76s 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K6o+ Q7s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s 76s
sb 22+ Tx+ 92s+ 94o+ 82s+ 84o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 43s 22+ Qx+ J2s+ J3o+ T2s+ T6o+ 94s+ 96o+ 84s+ 86o+ 74s+ 76o 64s+ 53s+



4 Big Blinds Left
Players With Antes Without Antes
8 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ T9s 22+ A4s+ A9o+ K9s+ KJo+ QTs+ JTs T9s
7 22+ A2s+ A7o+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ JTo T9s 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ J9s+ T9s
6 22+ A2s+ A5o+ K5s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 22+ A2s+ A7o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 98s
5 22+ A2s+ A3o+ K4s+ K9o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 22+ A2s+ A4o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s
4 22+ Ax+ K3s+ K8o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J8s+ J9o+ T8s+ 98s 22+ Ax+ K6s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ T9s
3 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K5o+ Q4s+ Q8o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ T9o 97s+ 87s 22+ Ax+ K4s+ K8o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T9s 98s
2 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q6o+ J4s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 97s+ 87s 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K5o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s
sb 22+ 9x+ 82s+ 83o+ 72s+ 74o+ 62s+ 64o+ 52s+ 54o 43s 22+ Jx+ T2s+ T3o+ 92s+ 95o+ 84s+ 85o+ 74s+ 75o+ 64s+ 53s+


3 Big Blinds Left
Players With Antes Without Antes
8 44+ A2s+ A8o+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ JTo T9s 44+ A3s+ A9o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+
7 33+ A2s+ A7o+ K5s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 44+ A3s+ A9o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+
6 33+ A2s+ A5o+ K3s+ K9o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ 97s+ 87s 44+ A2s+ A7o+ K6s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J9s+ T9s
5 33+ A2s+ A4o+ K3s+ K9o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J7s+ J9o+ T8s+ 98s 33+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K6s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ T9s
4 33+ A2s+ A3o+ K2s+ K7o+ Q5s+ Q8o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ T9o 97s+ 87s 33+ A2s+ A3o+ K4s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T9s
3 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K5o+ Q3s+ Q8o+ J5s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 97s+ 87s 33+ Ax+ K4s+ K8o+ Q7s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+
2 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K3o+ Q2s+ Q6o+ J5s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 97s+ 98o 87s 33+ Ax+ K2s+ K6o+ Q5s+ Q8o+ J7s+ J9o+ T8s+
sb 22+ 8x+ 72s+ 73o+ 62s+ 63o+ 52s+ 53o+ 42s+ 32s 22+ Tx+ 92s+ 93o+ 82s+ 84o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 53s+



2 Big Blinds Left
Players With Antes Without Antes
8 33+ A2s+ A4o+ K2s+ K7o+ Q4s+ Q8o+ J6s+ J9o+ T7s+ T9o 97s+ 86s+ 76s 44+ A3s+ A9o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+
7 33+ A2s+ A4o+ K2s+ K7o+ Q4s+ Q8o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ T9o 97s+ 87s 76s 55+ A2s+ A9o+ K7s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J9s+
6 33+ A2s+ A3o+ K2s+ K6o+ Q3s+ Q8o+ J6s+ J8o+ T6s+ T9o 97s+ 86s+ 76s 44+ A2s+ A7o+ K5s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ JTo T9s
5 33+ A2s+ A3o+ K2s+ K6o+ Q3s+ Q8o+ J5s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 97s+ 86s+ 76s 44+ A2s+ A7o+ K6s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ JTo T9s
4 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K4o+ Q2s+ Q7o+ J3s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 96s+ 98o 86s+ 76s 65s 33+ A2s+ A3o+ K3s+ K8o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s
3 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K4o+ Q2s+ Q6o+ J4s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 96s+ 98o 86s+ 76s 44+ A2s+ A3o+ K3s+ K7o+ Q7s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+
2 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q3o+ J2s+ J5o+ T2s+ T6o+ 94s+ 97o+ 85s+ 87o 75s+ 64s+ 54s 33+ Ax+ K2s+ K6o+ Q5s+ Q8o+ J8s+ J9o+ T8s+ 98s
sb Any two 22+ 8x+ 72s+ 73o+ 62s+ 64o+ 52s+ 53o+ 42s+

As you can see from the charts, the less big blinds you have the less strength you need in your hand to push all in. The better your position the less hand strength you need. This is where the discrepancy arises. In many casinos around the world they play MTT’s nightly and will have small buy ins. I have found in my time playing that in these tournaments the 10 big blind chart is often used.

This is mainly because it is a small buy-in comp, so most of these players are recreational players rather than players that play regularly and do it to make a profit.  Players will call off their stacks with hands that they ‘like’ that do not have the strength that they should have to call player’s all-ins from the position they are in. These players have played for fun and are not there to make money.

However, you will often find in tournaments with a bigger buy-in and therefore a bigger prize pool players will hold onto their chips for longer. When playing a 3-day event, a player does not want to get their 10 big blinds in light when they can wait for a bigger (better strength) hand. In these ‘bigger’ comps, the blind levels are often longer and the structure wider giving the players longer to survive and wait with less chips.

It is easy for players with big stacks to put pressure on the small stacks because they do not want to get their chips in with a bad hand because it feels like a waste of money and time.

In my personal experience, I like to wait to get the correct hand and position before I risk my tournament life. Once a double up has to be acquired the building up stage becomes easier and it is harder for other players to put you at risk again.



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