Home Poker Forum Ignition Card Catcher Updates Ignition Card Catcher Beta update – v2.15.7 (Ignition/Bodog fix)


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  • Jesse
    Post count: 280

    Ignition Card Catcher Beta update – v2.15.7 (Ignition/Bodog fix):


    – Fix for Ignition/Bodog update

    This is also posted as an auto update

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    I apologize if this isn’t the right place; I couldn’t find a more suitable section in the forum.
    I purchased the Ignition cardcatcher software through a USDT transfer. The transfer was approved, but I haven’t received any email with my license number or anything of the sort. I just created an account on your website with the same email, but I didn’t have an account at the time of the purchase. I allready sent an emial and I have also attached a screenshot of the payment.


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