Polished Poker Vol. II Workbook
Poker books that make dollars and sense

Polished Poker Vol. II: Workbook Overview
You’ll be provided a quiz style workbook with multiple choice, and fill in the blank questions to test your understanding of Polished Poker Vol. I. There are over 50 questions, with detailed explanations of every answer at the back of the book for you to check. A scoring system is also provided so you can verify your knowledge of the material. The workbook is 100 pages in length and is targeted for 100NL cash game hold’em players and below.
I see poker as this fun, entertaining challenge to outwit any of your opponents unlucky enough to have sat at your table. Poker provides a great testing ground for your psyche and allows you to build invaluable life skills that you can build upon on a daily basis. Take advantage of it, and enjoy the game!

Polished Poker Workbook: Volume II
Hand Reading Exercises
Understanding Combinations and Fold Equity
Blind Play
Marginal Spots vs. 3-Bets
Available by Instant Download

“If you want to learn how to win at online poker, TopPokerValue.com recommends Polished Poker Workbook as one of the best poker workbooks you can buy online. “