Home Poker Forum DriveHUD 2.x Releases DriveHUD 2 Public beta – v2.0.0.5770

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  • Jesse
    Post count: 280

    DriveHUD 2 Public beta – v2.0.0.5770:


    – Added default R&D for tournaments
    – Improved graphs performance in hands mode
    – Added YouTube video link when uploading a HUD layout to HUD store
    – Added YouTube button in every HUD layout to watch associated video (if any)
    – Replaced images with preview, in HUD store, so users can test HUD layout live
    – Fixed issue in quiz engine when in some situations, there is a raise in front of hero and raise is marked as correct action instead of fold
    – Fixed issue in quiz engine when after last question is answered, all buttons are hidden so user can’t see correct/incorrect answers
    – Fixed HUD store showing only one page issue
    – Fixed the crash on replaying hand if there were 2+ hands with the same game number

    Post count: 1

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